My name is Cian Caton, and I am the Managing Director of Kuppa Coffee. As a proud descendant of the Kalkadoon Tribe, not only is my aim to drive Kuppa to become your preferred coffee experience but also to be able to use it as a vehicle to make a difference within the Indigenous community.
Kuppa Coffee is dedicated to bringing the community together and making space for Indigenous youth to grow and build their skills and self-esteem. Our aim is to create, engage and collaborate with other like minded individuals, businesses, charities and work together with new and existing community programs to build sustainable opportunities that actively help the Indigenous Community.
Whether that be by creating employment opportunities, holding workshops to develop skills, or helping to establish connections and build a community.
Our key areas of focus are:
If you liked to learn a bit more about me, you can find my profile here or please feel free to connect with me on my personal Linkedin or Instagram. I look forward to getting these initiatives off the ground as soon as possible and updating you on our progress. In the meantime, please follow us our Company LinkedIn or Instagram to stay up to date with what we're up to.